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Lead employer arrangements
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Lead employer arrangements
Introduction to the Lead Employer Model
- What are the lead employer arrangements? - Doctors
- When were the lead employer arrangements being implemented?
- Why were lead employer arrangements being implemented?
- Where were the lead employer arrangements being implemented?
- Who implemented the lead employer arrangements?
- Who are the lead employers? Who is my lead employer?
- What is a lead employer?
- What is a placement Board?
- How were the lead employer arrangements be implemented?
- What are the lead employer arrangements? - Dentists
- Impact on Stakeholders
Roles and Responsibilities in the Lead Employer Model
- Who has responsibility for clinical governance?
- What is the role of the BMA?
- Who is my first point of contact should I have any queries?
- Which terms and conditions apply and when?
- Does my previous NHS service count towards continuous employment with my lead employer?
- How will grievances be dealt with during my employment?
- How do I raise concerns?
- How will the lead employer arrangements be quality assured?
- Who is responsible for the delivery of medical education and training under the new arrangements?
- What happens now?
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Trainee welcome email (full text)
Standard Operating Procedures 2021
- Attendance Management (HR)
- Annual Leave & Public Holidays
- Bullying & Harassment
- Capability
- Conduct Performance
- Contracts, Salary etc
- Death in Service
- Fair Warning
- Finance
- Fixed term contracts
- Freedom of Info
- Grievance / Disciplinary
- Health & Safety
- Induction
- Intellectual Property
- Investigations
- Leave
- Less Than Full Time
- NTN Removals
- Occupational Health
- Onboarding
- OOP / Secondment
- Patient Complaints
- Payroll
- Pre-Employment Checks
- Recruitment
- Staff Governance
- Suspension
- Transfer of Information
- Terminations
- Whistleblowing
- Return from Extended Leave
Introduction to the Lead Employer Model
Turas People
- Benefits of Turas People
- Joining Instructions
- Get Involved
Trainee FAQs
- How can I update my personal details?
- How can I change the email address linked to my Turas account?
- How can I update my emergency contact details on Turas?
- I am unable to enter my phone number/ address on the staff engagement form. What do I do?
- I am unable to access Turas People/ getting access denied. What should I do?
- I have been asked to complete a staff engagement form, but I am unable to see it?
- I have completed my staff engagement and occupational health forms on Turas People. What do I do next?
- One of the items on the pre-employment section grid on Turas People is red. Who should I speak to about this?
- I have recently started a new training programme, but I have not received my contract. Who can I contact about this?
- I have a query relating to the content of my contract. Who should I contact?
- How do I upload documents to People for my pre-employment checks?
- I am trying to complete my forms but don't have an NI number?
- How do I opt-out of the Pension Scheme?
- I have filled in the proof of employment form but the status is still showing as pending?
- I am unable to download my Proof of Employment Letter as the download button is greyed out. Please can you help?
- I have noticed that some of my programme/placement details on Turas are incorrect. How do I amend this?
- How do I change my bank account details for getting paid?
- I am trying to complete my staff engagement form but I do not currently have a UK bank account
- Who do I contact if I have a query about my pay or how to access payslips?
Placement Board FAQs
- How can I arrange for another member of staff to get access to Turas People?
- How do I arrange for a member of staff’s access permission to be removed from Turas People & taken off the SuperUser channel?
- How can I arrange access to Turas People for a trainee returning from out of programme (OOP)?
- Where can I find copies of the Turas People user guides?
- I am trying to issue an offer letter for an OOP trainee but the start date appearing is incorrect.
- I am trying to issue a placement detail letter for an OOP trainee and it contains incorrect details. Please can these be amended?
- How do I search for a trainee on Turas People to complete their checks/SEF?
- What is the process when a trainee raises concerns about their contract?
- The placement information for one of our trainees is showing incorrectly on TPM, please can this be amended?
- I do not have access to the roster location I need to complete the payform, what do I do?
- How do I arrange for a new roster code to be set up in Turas People?
- Security
EU Citizens & Brexit
- How can I apply for status under the EU Settlement Scheme?
- EU Citizens staying in Scotland: Package of Support
- Which countries are part of the EU?
- I am an EU/EEA national. What guidance is there for me regarding Brexit?
- Where can I find legal/immigration advice?
- How do I obtain information for my residency/citizenship application?
- How can I contact my employer about Brexit?
- Where can I access further resources?
- Where can I find guidance to support staff I line manage affected by Brexit?
- Frequently Asked Questions
- EU Settlement Scheme: Brexit toolkit for managers
COVID-19 (1)
- Is there information available relating to my employment/contract during this time?
- Where can I find advice and information as a healthcare professional?
- Where can I find information relating to Medical Education and Training?
- What is the best source of information for members of the public?
- Data Protection and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your wellbeing
- Is there guidance for returning to work after being off related to COVID-19?
- COVID-19: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Joint statement on the application of contractual provisions for junior doctors and dentists in Scotland during the Covid-19 pandemic
- COVID 19 Information for Lothian trainees
Lead employer arrangements
Pre-employment information
- Data Sharing Agreement
- Occupational Health
- Staff Engagement Form
- Revalidation
- Foundation Year 1 Mandatory Induction
- Local induction information
- Can I carry annual leave across placements?
- How do I advise you of a change of bank details/address?
- I am transferring from an English Trust and my payroll department have advised that the relevant new employment board needs to contact them for a Staff Transfer Certificate.
- Will my Cycle Scheme arrangements transfer with me to my new Lead Employer?
- Turas People FAQs
In-employment information
- Statutory and mandatory training
- Policies
- Payroll
- Professional support
- Maternity leave contacts
- Fairwarning
- Annual leave and public holidays
- Wellness
Placement Board contacts
- National Waiting Times Centre
- NHS Ayrshire & Arran
- NHS Borders
- NHS Dumfries & Galloway
- NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
- NHS Fife
- NHS Forth Valley
- NHS Grampian
- NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
- NHS Highland
- NHS Lanarkshire
- NHS Lothian
- NHS Orkney
- NHS Shetland
- NHS Tayside
- NHS Western Isles
- NHS State Hospital Board for Scotland
- Search results for lead employer section
COVID-19 Accelerated Recruitment
- Pre-employment freqently asked questions
In-employment frequently asked questions
- What should I do if I notice that my placement information is missing from Turas or is incorrect?
- What should I do if I notice that my student type is incorrect in Turas?
- I am unable to download my Proof of Employment Letter/ it is showing as pending?
- When will I receive my contract?
- How long will my contract be for?
- Will I be required to attend an induction before I start work?
- Who will be my line manager?
- When will I get paid
- What annual leave am I entitled to?
- Will I be auto enrolled into a pension?
- What is the impact on my pension when I return to work?
- Where can I find NES policies?
- How do I report/record an absence if I am unwell and need to be absent from work?
- What sick leave am I entitled to if I fall ill with Covid-19?
- Will I have access to PPE?
- Who should I contact for further information?
- NES HR guidance in relation to Covid-19
- Covid-19 and your wellbeing
- I am a student, how do I submit my timesheet?
- I am a NES employed nursing student, how do I submit my timesheet?
- I am a NES employed nursing student, how do I submit a request for special leave?
Help me with
Help me with...
- About NHS Education for Scotland
- Contacts for NES trainees
Terms and conditions
- Hospital placements
- GP placements
- Working Time Regulations
Different types of leave
- I am an army reservist, what should I do?
- How much annual leave am I entitled to?
- What about Bank Holidays?
- Am I entitled to Parental Leave?
- Can I carry over annual leave into the next leave year?
- I am applying for jobs and require time off from work to attend. What are my options to cover my time away?
- Do I have to submit my annual leave to NES?
- How do GPSTs on recognised bodies or committees take time off to attend meetings?
- Out of Programme (OOP)
- Sickness absence
- Rotations
- Exam failure
- Resignation
- Performance Support
- Different types of leave (1)
- Public Health Specialist Trainees - Agenda for Change
Expenses, payroll and pension
- Where can I find out about my pay and conditions?
- Which pay scale and increment am I on?
- I have overseas service and/or non-NHS service, will this be reflected in my salary?
- Prior to commencing Specialty Training I held a career grade position. Am I eligible to salary protection?
- Why does NES need a copy of my payslip?
- When do I get paid?
- What happens if I start during a month?
- How can I access my payslip?
- How do I advise you of a change to my bank/personal details?
- How do I get proof of employment for my mortgage?
- What is the motor vehicle allowance?
- Where do I send my P45 from my previous employer?
- What do the tax codes mean?
- Why has my tax code changed?
- How will you know which tax code to put me on?
- What is a temporary tax code?
- Will I be taxed too much on my temporary tax code?
- I think my tax code is incorrect. What do I do to rectify this?
- Why do I have to contact HMRC?
- What is the NES tax office and tax reference number?
- How will I know my tax code has been changed to D0?
- How do I get a copy of my P60/payslip/P11D?
- Why does my P60 show a figure lower than my annual salary?
- My Tax Code is D0 - why is that?
- How do I know how much I would have received if my tax code was not D0 or 0T?
- How do I log an issue with the payroll team?
- Pension
- National Insurance Number
- What is the e-Payslip service?
- Who can access e-Payslips?
- How do I get access to e-Payslips?
- Which staff groups will not be set to receive e-Payslips?
- What’s the benefit of this new ePayslip?
- I do have access to a PC, but can I still get a paper copy of my payslips?
- What happens when I am first opted in for e-Payslips?
- Will I be able to save or print my ePayslip?
- Will my bank, etc., accept an electronic payslip as proof of salary/employment?
- I am employed by NES but am currently based in another Health Board. Can I still access my e-Payslip?
- How secure are e-Payslips?
- Will I be able to access previous e-Payslips?
- Should I save my e-Payslips?
- How will I know when my latest e-Payslip is available?
- Will I get my P60 electronically as well?
- Can I access e-Payslip if I don’t have a NHS email address?
- What happens if I am getting electronic payslips and then go on maternity leave?
- What happens if I am on sick leave?
- What happens if I leave NES?
- Financial hardship
- Expenses and Relocation
HR related
- Flexible working
Maternity leave
- I have just found out I am pregnant, who do I contact?
- What paperwork do I need to complete?
- How is my maternity leave paid?
- What if I am entitled to payment from two different sources (common for Doctors in Training)?
- What if I want to spread my payments over the maternity period?
- What if I have a period of no pay, what happens to my pension contributions?
- What if I am off sick during the pregnancy?
- Do I accrue annual leave or bank holidays during maternity leave?
- What if I want to do Keeping in Touch days (KIT)
- What if I want to change my return to work date or working hours (WTE)?
- What if I don’t want to return to work?
- Where can I find information on help with childcare costs?
- Paternity leave
- Parental leave
- Study leave
- Special leave
- Rest periods following night shift
- Learning and development
EU Citizens & Brexit
- How can I apply for status under the EU Settlement Scheme?
- EU Citizens Staying in Scotland: Package of Support
- Which countries are part of the EU?
- I am an EU/EEA national. What guidance is there for me regarding Brexit?
- Where can I find legal/immigration advice?
- How do I obtain information for my residency/citizenship application?
- Where can I access further resources?
- Where can I find guidance to support staff I line manage affected by Brexit?
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Board governance
Educational governance
- What are the key features of the Educational Governance Framework?
- What criteria or standards are used to review educational programmes?
- How does the quality monitoring process work?
- What are the outcomes and outputs from quality monitoring?
- What happens at directorate review events?
- What happens after directorate review events?
- Information governance
- Research governance
- Staff Governance
- Counter fraud
Clinical governance and patient complaints
- What happens with patient complaints during a hospital placement?
- What happens with patient complaints during a GP placement?
- Who is my Responsible Officer for Revalidation and how are recommendations made to the GMC?
- Can I apply for reimbursement of Medical Defence Union costs through NES?
- Who will assist me in case of a claim or GMC hearing? Will it be MDU or NES?
- Complaints
- Information for Placement Boards
- TUPE February 2020
COVID-19 (1)
- Is there information available relating to my employment/contract during this time?
- Where can I find advice and information as a healthcare professional?
- Where can I find information relating to Medical Education and Training?
- What is the best source of information for members of the public?
- Data Protection and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your wellbeing
- Is there guidance for returning to work after being off related to COVID-19?
- Where can I find guidance regarding work that should be undertaken by individuals considered to be at risk of severe COVID-19 illness?
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Interim Guidance to support staff from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Backgrounds
- Where can I find information on quarantine upon entering the UK?
- COVID -19 Vaccination Programme FAQ’s
- Implementation of self-isolation exemptions for Health and Social Care staff
- How frequently should Healthcare Workers be tested for Covid-19?
- How should COVID related absence/leave be processed?
- What is whistleblowing?
- What are the National Whistleblowing Standards?
- Concerns that do not count as whistleblowing
- What do I do if something wrong or dangerous is happening at work?
- How do I whistleblow within my placement board?
- How do I whistleblow within NES?
- What is the Confidential Alert Line number?
- Where can I learn more about whistleblowing?
- Health and Wellbeing
- Offices
- NES policies
NES employee benefits
- Cycle Scheme
HELP New Employee Assistance Programme
- What is HELP?
- How do I access HELP?
- Who is HELP available to?
- Can family members use HELP?
- Can family members access counselling?
- How is advice and counselling delivered?
- Is the service confidential?
- What can I expect when I call HELP?
- What further support is available?
- What are the typical areas covered by HELP?
- Is there any specialist support for managers available through HELP?
- NHS Credit Union
- NHS Discounts
- Eye care
- Season Ticket Loan Scheme
- Pension Scheme Automatic Re-enrolment
- Carer support
- Mandatory training for GPSTs
General Practice Handbook
Annual leave allowances
- What do the new public holiday arrangements mean for me?
- What do I do if I am working in a GP Practice and they have 10 public holiday days?
- How will I know what the public holidays are in my GP Practice?
- What do I do if I don't have any annual leave or public holiday entitlement remaining to cover a public holiday in my GP Practice?
- Who should I contact if I have any questions regarding the new entitlements?
- Employee Counselling Services
- Expenses / Finance
- Family friendly policies
- Medical indemnity
- Occupational Health Referrals
- Patient Complaint Procedure
- Sickness absence
- Recognition of overseas service for incremental credit
- Start day - induction process
- Skilled worker visa guidance
- Trainee conduct
GPST contract
- Who is my employer?
- Which terms and conditions apply and when?
- Does my previous NHS service count towards continuous employment with my lead employer?
- What is my job title?
- What is my hospital during hospital placements?
- What is my salary during placements in general practice?
- What is my working pattern during placements in General Practice?
- What is my sick pay entitlement?
- What medical indemnity cover will I have?
- Where can I find out more about travel expenses during placements in general practice?
- How will grievances be dealt with during my employment?
- What are my obligations in relation to confidentiality?
- How do I raise concerns?
- Scottish GP Training Agreement
Annual leave allowances
Health and safety
- Where do I find the NES Health and Safety Policy Statement?
- Where do I report an Accident /Incident?
- Where do I find my local health and safety policy and arrangements?
- Where do I find NES health and safety procedures?
- Where can I find the NES Occupational Health and Wellbeing Policy?
- Where do I find minutes of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee?
- Where do I find my local fire procedures?
Risk assessments
- Where can I find the NES organisation wide risk assessment?
- Where can I find the local Office/Site Risk Assessments?
- Where can I find the local First Aid Provision Risk Assessment?
- Where can I find Manual Handling Risk Assessments?
- Where can I find New and Expectant Mother Risk Assessments?
- Where can I find fire risk assessments?
- Where can I find legionella risk assessment?
- Health and Safety Responsibilities
- Health and Safety Training
- Will I be covered by personal injury insurance if I am involved in an accident at work?
- How do I complete a DSE assessment?
- Where can I find needlestick injury guidance?
- NP Trainees
- Dental Trainees
Vocational Dental Practitioners (VDPs)
- Consultation 2022
- Information for Vocational Dental Practitioners (Trainees)
Information for Trainers
- 1) Annual leave allowances
- 2) Employee Assistance Programme
- 3) Expenses/ Finance
- 4) Family Friendly policies
- 5) Indemnity
- 6) Report an absence
- 7) Occupational Health Referrals
- 8) Patient Complaint Procedure
- 9) Trainee Conduct
- 10) Day 1- what I need to do as a Trainer
- 11) Skilled Worker Visa Guidance
- 12) Policies
- Medical and Dental Pay Uplift 2024/2025
- Temporary Update to Sickness Absence Self Certification
- HELP, NES’s new employee assistance programme (EAP)
- Update on BMA/MSG agreement on 46 hours rest following a period of night shifts
- Implementation of self-isolation exemptions for Health and Social Care staff
- Quarantine (self-isolation) for NHS Scotland staff returning to the UK
- Covid-19 £500 bonus payment
- Upcoming Health & Social Care Webinar: "Infection Prevention & Control During the Covid-19 Pandemic - Supporting, Valuing and Listening to Health & Social Care Workers"
- Information for Public Health Trainees - Additional Hours Claim Form
- Information for Public Health Trainees - Agenda for Change Pay 2021/22
- Agenda for Change Pay 2021-22 - information for Public Health Trainees
- Coaching and Wellbeing: Supporting Resilience and Morale
- Covid 19 Annual Leave and Public Holidays
- Fraud alert - £500 bonus
- £500 Bonus payments process
- Turas – Email addresses
- NHS Scotland COVID-19 Vaccine Programme
- NHS Scotland Flu vaccine programme
- Gleneagles says thanks to NHS Scotland Staff with free overnight stays
- Interim Guidance for staff from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Backgrounds
- Child Care Vouchers during COVID-19
- COVID-19 Accelerated Recruitment Frequently Asked Questions
- Thank you for your help and support during this difficult time.
- Novel Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) (1)
- NHS Board Chief Executives /Medical Directors and Overseas Visitors Healthcare Managers
- Once for Scotland Policies live 1st March 2020
- Novel Coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
- Have you received your COVID-19 Vaccination through an external provider?
- Covid 19 Vaccination/Rotation Communication
- Scottish Public Pensions Agency - NHS Circular 2021-03 - Pension Remedy Project Consultation Response
- Covid £500 bonus payment
- Brexit: EU and EEA citizens
- EU Settlement Scheme - 50 days left to apply
- EU Settlement Scheme - Only 30 days left to apply
- EU Settlement Scheme - Less than 10 days left to apply
- New Resources on Long COVID for Health and Social Care Staff and Unpaid Carers (1)
- Flu and Covid-19 booster vaccinations 2021/22
- Staff wellbeing resources during a winter of uncertainty
- HMD Pay Award Update
- Winter Flu Vaccinations Available
- Pension Automatic Re-enrolment – 1st October 2022
- Employer Pension Contributions – Alternative Payment Policy (Recycling Employers Contributions (REC) Scheme) 2023
- ePayroll
- Changes to payslips - April 2024
- SPPA Contributions Adjustment
- Contact us
- NES websites
- Site map
- Accessibility
- Pre-employment information
- Search results
- Cookies