Health & Safety Duties

  • Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and other persons (including members of the public) who may foreseeably be affected by their acts or omissions at work; 
  • Co-operate with their Line Managers/Clinical Supervisors or any other person, (e.g. contractors working on site) to enable duties or requirements imposed on them by statute to be complied with to the required standard. This requires the employees to follow established safe systems of work and any verbal work instructions given by their immediate Line manager/clinical supervisor; 
  • Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided for the purpose of health, safety and welfare in pursuance of a statutory requirement; 
  • Not to use machinery, equipment, substances, transport equipment or other means of production or safety device except in conformity with training and instruction provided by NES; 
  • Reporting accidents and near misses and co-operating in their investigation, in order that remedial actions can be developed to prevent a recurrence; 
  • Notifying their Line manager/clinical supervisor of any work situation of which they become aware that has the potential for serious and imminent danger to health and safety;  
  • Notifying their Line manager/clinical supervisor of any shortcomings in protective measures of which they become aware.