What happens if I fail exams?

After two fails we would advise you to contact your TPD in the first instance who will link you with the relevant Performance Support Unit for educational and pastoral care.

After two fails TPDs will guide trainees to a self-referral for self-funded assessment through Dyslexia Scotland (http://www.dyslexiascotland.org.uk ). If initial screening suggests that full assessment is recommended this should be accessed through referral to the Occupational Health service with a request for formal testing on which to base reasonable adjustments both to the external RCGP exams and also to the workplace.

Please email HR in your placement board for an OH referral to be progressed on these grounds. For trainees in a hospital placement, contact details can be found here. For GPs in a practice placement, please contact NES HR by going to https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/30 and submitting a support request.