I am trying to complete my forms but don't have an NI number?

While you are awaiting receipt of your own NI number you can complete the field on the form by using a temporary number in the format of TN then your date of birth then F/M e.g. TN050386M. Once you receive your NI number if you contact medical staffing in the placement board going to be working and they will be able to unlock your staff engagement form to allow you to update this information, provided that your form has not already been processed for payroll.

If your placement board have already authorised you staff engagement form for payroll, please could you email your employing boards payroll department with a note of your name, date of birth and your new NI number and they will update it for you.

To contact the NES payroll team please go to: https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals.

Please note that the first time you submit a query through this helpdesk you will need to self-register with JIRA using your NHS email address (personal email accounts should NOT be used).

To contact the Grampian Payroll department email: grampian.payroll@nhs.net

To contact the GGC Payroll department email:gg-uhb.nhsggcpayrollservices@nhs.net

To contact the Lothian Payroll department email: support@payrollserviceshelpdesk.zendesk.com