What is the Placement Detail Letter?

You are employed by NES for the duration of your training programme and will be issued with your contracts of employment within 8 weeks of commencing your employment.  During this employment you will rotate through placements in General Practice and Hospital. NES is advised, via Turas, of your rotations. If you have any questions pertaining to your training programme, you should contact the Deanery (e.g. the Training Programme Director or Training Management Team) in the first instance.

The detail of your next rotation, including placement Board, Hospital base, medical staffing contacts details, placement banding, rota lead and induction details will be confirmed in the 'Amendment to Contract Letter'. You should normally be issued with your Amendment to Contract letter 6 weeks in advance of rotation.

If you have any queries regarding the content of the letter there will be a medical staffing contact noted on the letter who you can get in touch with in the first instance.

You should also receive a letter from your placement Board confirming local arrangements (e.g. parking, mess etc). If you have any queries pertaining to local arrangements at your placement Board, you should contact their Medical Staffing team.