Different types of leave

There are various types of leave, please see the the FAQs on the left for further guidance on leave.

Paternity leave entitlements are defined in the NHS Scotland New Parent Support Policy.

You should discuss your requirements for paternity leave with your supervisor in the placement Board/ General Practice.

The Paternity Leave Application Form and the required accompanying paperwork as detailed in the form should be completed by employee and authorised by manager / supervisor to request paternity leave and returned to NES HR by raising a support ticket at https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/30

Parental leave entitlements are defined in the Parental Leave Policy.

You should discuss your requirements for parental leave with your supervisor in the placement Board/ General Practice.

The Parental Leave form and the required accompanying paperwork as detailed in the form should be completed by employee and authorised by manager / supervisor to request parental leave and returned to your placement board contact (contact list here) if you are in a hospital post, and uploaded to https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/30 if you are in a GP Practice post.

Special leave entitlements are defined in the Special Leave Policy.

You should discuss your requirements for special leave with your supervisor in the placement Board/ General Practice in advance, or with as much notice as is possible.

Special Leave - Practice placement 

Special Leave - Hospital, PH & PDS placement

The standard form should be completed by employee and authorised by manager / supervisor to request special leave and then returned to the relevant HR/medical staffing team to process.

Practice placed

Completed and authorised form to be returned to NES HR by raising a support ticket at: [ ] https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/30. 

Hospital placed

Completed and authorised form to be returned to relevant placement board. Contact details for each board can be found here: Contact us | Hub (nes.digital)