A to Z
09 Hazard Reporting (Word Document)
Accessiblenes Policy (Word Document)
Code of Conduct (PDF Document)
Combined Consent Form (PDF Document)
COVID 19 Payroll Team Contacts (Excel Spreadsheet Document)
Dignity at Work (PDF Document)
Disability Policy (PDF Document)
DSE Assessment Process Flowchart (Word Document)
Embracing Equality, Diversity and Human Rights in NES (PDF Document)
Eye Test Form (Word Document)
FairWarning What you need to know (PDF Document)
Financial Hardship Loan Request Form (Word Document)
Fixed Term contracts policy (Word Document)
Fraud Action Plan (Word Document)
GDPR compliant Staff Privavcy Notice NES (PDF Document)
Gender Based Violence Policy (PDF Document)
Governance of GPST (Word Document)
GP Returners Policy (Word Document)
Guidance for Staff Undergoing Fertility Treatment (PDF Document)
Hospitality Policy (PDF Document)
HSP 08 Appendix 4 PEEPs (Word Document)
HSP 08 Appendix 4 PEEPs (Word Document)
HSP13 Appendix 2 Generic Assessment (Word Document)
HSP15 NewandExpectantMothers Risk Assessment (Word Document)
ID Badge Request Form (PDF Document)
Induction Policy (PDF Document)
Information Governance Policy (Word Document)
Interim National Arrangements Covering Disruption to Work as a Result of... (PDF Document)
IT Form 4 (T&Cs) (Word Document)
Key Worker Status Letter (PDF Document)
Manual Time Sheet NES Students Only (Excel Spreadsheet Document)
Manual Timesheet NES Students Only (Excel Spreadsheet Document)
Memorandum of Understanding (PDF Document)
NES Annual Leave Record NES Students Only (Excel Spreadsheet Document)
NES Corp Info Sec Policy (PDF Document)
Nes Counter Fraud Policy (Word Document)
NES Event Evalution Protocol (PDF Document)
NES FairWarning Guidance for Users of Health Boards' Clinical and Patient Management Systems (PDF Document)
NES FairWarning Managers Guide (PDF Document)
NES FairWarning Staff Guide (PDF Document)
NES Manual Timesheet New (Excel Spreadsheet Document)
Nes Staff Pandemic Flu Emergency Plan (PDF Document)
NES Student Nurses Timesheet Process High Level (Powerpoint Document)
NES User Info Sec Policy (PDF Document)
NHS Scotland Global Citizenship HR Guidance (PDF Document)
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Policy (Word Document)
PCS2019(PP)01 (PDF Document)
Pharmacy prescribing (Word Document)
Policy and Good Practice Guidance for the Use of Social Media (Word Document)
Promotion of Non NES Training Education Events (PDF Document)
Promotion of Non NES Training Education Events Form (Word Document)
REC Payment Application 2019 (Word Document)
Requesting a Copy (Word Document)
Revised NES Intellectual Property Policy (PDF Document)
Risk Assessment Form (Word Document)
Sponsorship Policy and Guidelines (Word Document)
Standards of Business Conduct (Word Document)
The Management of Concerns Policy ()
The National Whistleblowing Standards ()
The National Whistleblowing Standards (PDF Document)
Viva Insights Privacy Notice v1 (PDF Document)