Supporting sickness absence
1. Trainees must notify the Training Practice of absence
Trainees must notify their Practice Manager or Educational Supervisor of sickness absence as soon as possible on their first day of absence. For advice on reporting first day of absence, please see section 2.1 and section 2.2 for reporting absence after day one.
The purpose of this contact is to notify NES formally that sick leave is starting. The Trainee needs to explain the reason for the sick leave, the likely duration and any action being taken by the Trainee e.g. going to see own doctor. This discussion enables work to be re-distributed and for NES GP Training HR to process sick payments once notified.
2. Once Notified the Practice Manager / Educational Supervisor must then notify NES of absence
Practice Manager / Educational Supervisor should complete an ABS1 from the extranet and submit online.
3. NES GPSTR HR Team log the absence