Local induction information

Please find below general information for all trainees on placement in NHS Ayrshire & Arran.

For completion  

Excess Travel Assessment form  -  please return to Marie.McGregor@aapct.scot.nhs.uk

Security Badge Request form  -  please take to Induction

For information

Fair warning

E-Health Access Letter

IRMER Letter

Social Media Leaflet

Below is a suite of forms which you will be required to complete if you are placed in NHS Dumfries and Galloway.

Please send the completed form to dg.dgriresidences@nhs.scot 

Please fill these out and return to dg.juniordrchangeover@nhs.scot

Below is a suite of forms which you will be required to complete if you are placed in NHS Forth Valley:

ID Badge Request


Pharmacy Prescribing

Completed forms should returned to fv.nhsfvmedicalworkforce-doctorsintraining@nhs.scot

The following attachments are guidance/information for any Doctors in Training (DDIT) placed in NHS Forth Valley:

Forth Valley Royal Hospital Directions

Forth Valley Royal Hospital Travel Options

Forth Valley Royal Hospital Parking Application

Forth Valley Royal Hospital Floor Plan


Radiology - Letter

Radiology - Guidance

Radiology - EP10

Please find below general information for all trainees on placement in NHS Grampian.

Accommodation - If you are looking to relocate to the Grampian area, the following link may be useful in assisting you in viewing the accommodation / housing options available to you at mid-market prices:-

  • Accommodation Options

NHS Grampian residential accommodation information can be found here.


If you have not been assessed and would like to be considered for excess travel please complete the assessment form below.  

Completed forms should be returned to medical.dentalrecruitment@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk

DDIT Excess Travel Assessment Form

When submitting expenses forms for payment can you please make sure that you include a copy of your up to date Car Insurance Certificate (which must include Business Travel) along with a copy of the DDIT Authorised Standard Car User Form and also Driving Licence Summary.   Further forms required are below.

Below are a suite of useful forms for Doctors in Training (DDIT) while on placement in NHS Lanarkshire:  

Employment Reference

If you require an employment reference (e.g. for mortgage purposes) please email medical.dentalrecruitment.scot.nhs.uk stating your name, grade, specialty and confirming that you give us consent to provide a reference for you. Please note that we cannot provide an employment reference without your consent. 

Contact Details 

For any queries regarding your placement with NHS Lanarkshire please contact:



The following attachments are guidance/information for any Doctors in Training (DDIT) placed in NHS Lanarkshire:

NHS Lothian

Additional Offer Information 


Induction is a mandatory requirement of your employment with NHS Lothian. If you have not worked for NHS Lothian in the past year you are required as part of your NHS Lothian Induction to log in to the South-East Scotland (SES) Virtual Induction Passport (VIP) to complete mandatory online induction training, comprising of both corporate and clinical interactive module. You will also be required to attend a short hospital induction on the day you commence work. You will be contacted by MED.Induction@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk prior to the date of commencement with access details for SES VIP and information on the location and schedule for hospital induction. This corporate induction is in addition to your induction in the department you will be working in, which you must attend even if you have previously worked for NHS Lothian, information on which will be sent direct to you from your department. If you do not receive this induction information at least two weeks prior to the date of commencement or have any queries please contact


Employment Reference

If you require an employment reference (e.g. for mortgage purposes) please email medical.personnel@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk stating your name, grade, specialty and confirming that you give us consent to provide a reference for you. Please note that we cannot provide an employment reference without your consent. 

NHS Lothian Staff Bank

If you are considering working additional/supplementary hours to this post, we recommend you consider joining NHS Lothian Staff Bank. In the first instance please contact staffbank.recruitment@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk or telephone 0131 536 1616 option 1.

Contact Details 

For any queries regarding your placement with NHS Lothian please contact:

Please find below general information for all trainees on placement in NHS Shetland.

Information is available on the NHS Shetland intranet under student page led by Staff Development Team http://www.shb.scot.nhs.uk/board/students/index.asp

Other documents that will be of use are as follows:

Information Systems Access Request Form - Junior Doctors

Montfield Accommodation Block - Residents Handbook

Policy documents will be provided at induction.

Following receipt of an offer of employment confirming that you have been placed with NHS Tayside you will receive the attached information letter from medical staffing. 

Information for Training Placement in NHS Tayside

A document containing advice and guidance for new employees to NHS Tayside can be accessed here.

A suite of forms which you are required to complete and return prior to starting in post can be downloaded here. Please could you send these to medical staffing in NHS Tayside at your earliest convenience to ensure everything required is in place for you commencing work.

Please find below general information for all trainees on placement in NHS Western Isles.

There is one hospital on the Island where DDiT are placed – Western Isles Hospital (WIH)

Hospital Accommodation is available approx 5 min walk from the Hospital. Hotel services deal with all requests for accommodation - the main contacts are Marina Maclean and Joan Chisholm – 01851 704704 ext 2138 or 2136.

Parking at the WIH is free of charge and there is a frequent bus services to the centre of town.

A leaflet that has been developed for the life in Western Isles that can be found here: http://www.wihb.scot.nhs.uk/wihrr.pdf

Useful contacts:

Dr Frank Mcauley, Medical Director 01851 708050

Ann McHale, PA to Medical Director 01851 708050

Isla Macdiarmid, Rota Master 01851 704704

Kirsty Tait, Medical Education Coordinator 01851 704704

Mira Ostrowska, HR Adviser Medical Staffing 01851 762004