What paperwork do I need to complete?

Please refer to the NHS Scotland Maternity Policy for guidance about the process.

The NES HR Trainee Services team will be responsible for processing your maternity paperwork and will be your first point of contact for any maternity leave queries. They can be contacted at by going to https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/30 and raising a support ticket. 

You should complete a maternity risk assessment as soon as possible in relation to your health and safety during your pregnancy.

General Practice:

Hospital Placements: Risk assessments should be requested from the department you are currently working in on placement.

You should read through the Maternity Policy and submit your Maternity Leave form and MATB1 certificate to https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/30.  Please ensure that you complete your personal details on the MATB1 certificate.  

We would then issue your maternity leave pack within 28 days (this would contain your maternity worksheet, change form and pension information)

Please click on the link below for further information and a video link on maternity leave.


Please note that you will be entitled to paid time off to attend antenatal appointments.  Should your appointment take you away from your workplace for a half day or more, please complete a Special Leave form and send to your Placement Board HR department.