Sickness absence
Under the new arrangements, placement boards will manage sickness absence for any GPSTs or National Programme trainees in hospital placements.
We would ask that the following process is followed:
- Trainee notified manager in placement board of absence
- Placement board record absence through SSTS (emails absence spreadsheet to if not using SSTS)
- Placement board monitors absence and provides support to line manager
- Short term absence fails to improve – placement board flags to NES HR(HR Policy and Procedures - HR Service Desk - Jira Service Management) and NES Deanery.
- Case raised and discussed at performance support group
- Placement board manages absence up to stage 2, at which point NES HR involved for dismissal/appeal
- If trainee remains off sick prior to a rotation, placement board should notify to the next placement board 1 month before the rotation.