Special leave

The purpose of the special leave policy is to allow for an appropriate response to:

  • The sudden and immediate need for a member of staff to provide care to a family member, dependant, close friend or colleague
  • A family member, dependant, close friend or colleague of the employee suffering ill health
  • A family member, dependant, close friend or colleague of the employee suffering a bereavement
  • Civic and public duties

This could be where normal arrangements break down without notice, or where an urgent and unforeseen situation arises. Examples of this include:

  • A family member, dependant, close friend or colleague of the employee falling ill, being involved in an accident, or being assaulted, including instances where the victim is distressed rather than being physically injured
  • The need to make longer term care arrangements for a family member, dependant, close friend or colleague, who is ill or injured
  • To deal with the death of a family member, dependant, close friend or colleague eg to make funeral arrangements, or to attend a funeral
  • To deal with an unexpected disruption, or breakdown, in care arrangements for a family member, dependant, close friend or colleague eg when a child minder or nurse fails to turn up
  • To deal with an incident involving the employee’s child during school hours eg if the
  • The provisions of this policy are applicable to all staff, irrespective of length of service, hours of work, or grade and no employee will suffer any detriment as a result of making application for time off under these provisions.

As always, the extent and duration of such leave must be balanced by service needs, accepting the emergency and unforeseen nature of requests particularly in the early stages.

Special Leave Policy

In order to process your special leave, you should complete a Special Leave form and ask your manager/supervisor in the Board where you are working on placement to sign this off.

Special Leave Form - Practice placement

Special Leave Form - Hospital, PH, PDS placement

If you are taking unpaid special leave, HR/medical staffing colleagues in your placement board will need to process a notification of change (NOC) form through Turas People for payroll and record the absence on SSTS.