Payroll and expenses

Our payroll service operates on a shared service basis with National Services Scotland (NSS) and together we are responsible for ensuring you are paid correctly each month.

To contact the NES payroll team, please go to and select Finance Service Desk. (Personal email accounts should not be used if possible).  Please note that the first time you submit a query through this helpdesk you will need to self register with the Finance Service Desk using your NHS email address.

You have a responsibility to check your pay slip details. If you identify an anomaly on your pay slip inform us through the email address above. 

The forms on the links below should be completed and approved by your Placement Board. Once approved, the forms should be forwarded to medical staffing colleagues for processing.

If you are a GP in a Practice Placement please ensure your Practice Manager submits your claim forms through our Finance Service Desk:

If you are a Foundation/BBT trainee in a Practice placement, please contact the Board where you are on placement who will be able to direct you to the correct forms for your employer.

If you are in a hospital placement, please send the forms to medical staffing in the Board where you are working - contact details can be found here.

Expense Forms for Trainees in Practice Placements 

Expense Forms for Trainees in Hospital Placements

Expense Forms for Public Health Trainees 

Public Heath Trainees (Agenda for Change) - Travel and Subsistence

Additional Hours Claim Forms

Additional Hours Claim Form 

Agenda for Change Additional Hours Form (for Public Health Trainees) - please note if you are using Google Chrome you will need to use the download button in the top right hand corner of the screen to download and save a copy of the form to complete, as the form is not displayed automatically in this internet browser.

You will receive a contract of employment from your employing board no later than 8 weeks after your commencement.

Medical specialty trainees current salary scales are details in the current pay circular here:

Agenda for change Public Health trainees current salary scales are detailed in the current pay circular here:

All Doctors in Training will start at the minimum (min) point of scale and progress annually one increment point each year.

In some circumstances, service overseas may occasionally count towards incremental progression on the salary scale. However, the level and duration of service is the subject of panel review and credit cannot be applied without documentary evidence of the service. If you have worked overseas prior to commencing the GPST programme and would like to discuss the possibility of having overseas service count for incremental credit please raise a support request at

With regard to non-NHS service, please note that locum agency and bank work does not count for incremental credit, to see whether other non-NHS service may count, please contact the payroll team on

Providing that you have been working as a career grade (consultant, associate specialist, staff grade or specialty doctor) for a minimum of 13 months immediately prior to re-entering training you may be eligible.

If you think you are entitled to pay protection you need to send a copies of your full CV, contract, payroll record and payslips to the NES HR Team by going to and submitting a support request.

Please include the words ‘pay protection’ within the subject of your email.

NES requires a copy of your payslip as this is used to assign your pay scale and banding and confirmation of your Increment date.   E-payslips do not have your incremental date so if you provide one of these, you will be asked to provide alternative proof of incremental date. The payslip is not used to determine your tax code as this is identified separately using your P45 from your previous employer.

You will always be paid on the last Thursday of the month unless otherwise advised.

If you start mid-month, your pay is calculated from your start date until the end of the month eg if your start date is 3 August, you will be paid 29 days for that month.  The following month you will receive your full monthly pay.  This applies to both full-time and part-time employees.

If you have not been set up to receive epayslips, your payslip will be sent by post to your home address during the week that you are due to be paid.

Guidance and FAQ section about ePayslips

To contact the NES payroll team please go to: and select Finance Service Desk.

Please note that the first time you submit a query through this helpdesk you will need to self-register with the Finance Service Desk using your NHS email address (personal email accounts should not be used if possible).

It is important that our records are up to date.

To change your bank details please email noting your name, payroll number, current bank details and new bank details.

Personal details such as your home and email address should be updated on Turas Training Programme Management.

Requests from mortgage providers for proof of employment letters should be sent to medical staffing in your placement board. Please ensure you clearly state that you are making a reference request with signed authority from yourself to release the information.

Please note that for all new trainees we will require the submission of your starter pack documents before we can proceed with a reference.

When in general practice, your terms and conditions state that you are entitled to a motor vehicle allowance. For clarity, GP Trainees may be able to claim as a regular user if they meet the criteria as per paragraph 1g and in Appendix 2 of the 2011 circular.

For more information on the process to claim expenses while undertaking your General Practice Rotation, visit

Please find details of the Temporary Increase to Mileage Rates, updated on 28/12/2022.