New Resources on Long COVID for Health and Social Care Staff and Unpaid Carers

01 November 2021

Over the last 6 months, the National Wellbeing Hub have consistently heard from people working in health and social work/social care about the challenges they have faced in coping with the prolonged after-effects of COVID (long COVID), living with uncertainty, and their anxieties about returning to work and /or preparing to do so.     

In response, the National Wellbeing Hub have compiled a series of resources to help everyone better understand and manage Long COVID. These include two evidence-informed articles, one aimed at managers providing advice on how to support staff returning to work with Long COVID, and one aimed at people experiencing Long COVID. These are supplemented by a ‘Top Tip’ sheet with brief guidance for managing recovery from Long COVID. 

In addition to the written materials, the National Wellbeing Hub has produced a series of three short videos. For these, the National Wellbeing Hub have spoken to two professionals who have both experienced Long COVID. In one, we hear about Janine’s path to recovery, while the other charts Grace’s return to work and how she is managing the ongoing challenges associated with this. The Hub has also spoken to Dr John Harden, Deputy National Clinical Director at the Scottish Government, who talks through what Long COVID is, what to do if you’re experiencing Long COVID, and how to manage some of the more common symptoms.

Please find link to the post on the hub (requires scrolling down the page a little):