NHS Credit Union
What is the NHS credit union
The Credit Union is a financial co-operatives owned and controlled by their members. They offer savings and great value loans and, even better, they're local, ethical and know what their members want. Savers' funds are used to provide a pool of funds from which low-rate loans can be made to fellow NHS colleagues (minimum membership of 3 months is required before loan facility available).
The interest paid on these loans is then in part invested to pay an annual dividend to savers as well as cover running costs and provide long term financial security in the form of reserves.
How does the NHS credit union work
You decide how much you want to put away each month and it happens automatically, direct from payroll.
Mechanisms have been put in place for information to be exchanged between NHS Credit Union and NES Finance who will administer the payroll deductions (all due diligence and data protection considerations have been scrutinised). Once your membership has been confirmed, you can increase or decrease your savings as you go (in line, of course, with payroll deadlines) and introduce family members at the same address whenever you like.
How do I join the NHS credit union
You need to download an application form from their website www.nhscreditunion.com which, once completed, should be returned to The NHS Credit Union at their offices in Glasgow. Alternatively, you can contact the NHS Credit Union by phone on 0141 445 0022.
Who is eligible to join the NHS credit union
If you are on the payroll of NHS Scotland you can join the NHS Credit Union and so can any member of your family who lives with you. You are also eligible if you are a GP, a member of a GP practice staff, an optometrist or dentist or other contracted health care provider. So, if you are already part of the "NHS family" then the NHSCredit Union is here for you.
Find out more about the NHS Credit Union on their website: