Where can I find copies of the Turas People user guides?
The current Turas People User Guide for HR Users can be accessed using the link below:
Turas People HR User Guide (January 2020)
Guidance Notes on the recent changes that have been made to the Notification of Change (NOC) forms can be accessed using the link below:
Turas People NOC Changes Guidance Notes (July 2020)
Guidance Notes on the recent changes that have been made to the Payroll Authorisation Screen and eESS Information Page
Turas People Payroll Authorisation/eESS Release Notes (August 2020)
Guidance Notes on the recent changes made to Turas People for NOC - Reason 'New Programme' and changes in relation to eESS
Turas People NOC 'New Programme' and eESS changes (September 2020)