Placement Board contacts
Please see below contact details for Golden Jubilee Foundation Hospital.
Adam Tyrrell, HR Advisor
Please send any queries to the following email address - MedicalStaffing@aapct.scot.nhs.uk
Please see below contact details for NHS Borders.
Victoria Roy, Medical Staffing Adviser
Jan McKenzie, HR Officer
Bob Salmond, Deputy Director of HR
Contact email address for all is:
Contact phone number is:
01896 826167
Please see below contact details for NHS Dumfries & Galloway.
Medical Staffing - dg.juniordrchangeover@nhs.scot 01387 244 143
For contacting NHS Education for Scotland HR Trainee Services Team, please submit your request via the following link:
To contact the NES payroll team please go to: https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/5
Please note that the first time you submit a query through this helpdesk you will need to self-register with JIRA using your NHS email address (personal email accounts should NOT be used).
Please see below contact details for the medical staffing team in NHS Fife.
By Email: fife.medicalhr@nhs.scot
- Anaesthetics - ext 28687
- Care of the Elderly Medicine - ext 28682
- Chest Medicine - ext 28682
- Emergency Medicine - ext 28685
- ENT - ext 28680
- Foundation Trainees in General Practice - ext 28681
- General Medicine - ext 28682
- General Surgery & Urology - ext 28687
- Labs - ext 28680
- Mental Health including Learning Disabilities - ext 28681
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology - ext 21899
- Orthopaedics - ext 28680
- Oral Surgery - ext 21899
- Ophthalmology - ext 28685
- Paediatrics - ext 28685
- Palliative Care - ext 28685
- Public Health - ext 21899
Please see below contact details for NHS Forth Valley.
Medical Staffing contact email:
Rota Leads:
Acute and General Medicine - Fv.doctorsintraining@nhs.scot
Anaesthetics (Plus HDU) – Fv.anaesthetics@nhs.scot
ENT - Fv.doctorsintraining@nhs.scot
Emergency Medicine – Fv.edmedicalrota@nhs.scot
General Surgery - Fv.doctorsintraining@nhs.scot
GUM – chloe.kennedy3@nhs.scot
Haematology – helen.cullen@nhs.scot
Histopathology - helen.cullen@nhs.scot
Obstetrics & Gynaecology – chloe.kennedy3@nhs.scot
OMFS - mandy.angus@nhs.scot
Ophthalmology - Fv.doctorsintraining@nhs.scot
Paediatrics - chloe.kennedy3@nhs.scot
Palliative Medicine – gillian.foster@nhs.scot
Psychiatry - Fv.psycdoctorscsd@nhs.scot
Public Dental Service - Lesley.yeaman@nhs.scot
Public Health – angela.mcewan@nhs.scot
Radiology – amy.barrett@nhs.scot
Trauma & Orthopaedics – Fv.doctorsintraining@nhs.scot
Urology – Fv.doctorsintraining@nhs.scot
Please contact gram.ddit@nhs.scot for any queries.
Please see below contact details for the medical staffing team in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Email address – Recruitment-st@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Please see below contact details for the medical staffing team in NHS Highland.
Please find below contact details for the medical staffing team in NHS Lanarkshire.
Gill Swinburne, HR Advisor 01698 754352
Please see below contact details for NHS Orkney.
Maggie Berston, Locum & Bank Co-ordinator - 01856 888291 Maggie.Berston@nhs.scot
GPST expenses approvals when the trainee is in a hospital placement should be directed to HR at: ork.HR@nhs.scot
Please see below contact medical staffing contacts at NHS Shetland.
Generic email for NHS Shetland is shet.hradmin@nhs.scot
Please find below contact details for the medical staffing team in NHS Tayside. Please dial the main switchboard on 01382 660111 followed by the relevant extension.
Please see below contact details for NHS Western Isles.
Generic email address for medical staffing: wi.medrecruit@nhs.scot
Mira Ostrowska, HR Adviser - 01851 762004 mira.ostrowska@nhs.scot
Michelle Morrison, Rota Coordinator michelle.morrison7@nhs.scot
Isla MacDiarmid, Medical Rota Officer, isla.macdiarmid@nhs.scot
Please see below for contact details for the NHS State Hospital Board for Scotland
Gareth Grindlay - Human Resources - tsh.hrenquiries@nhs.scot
Jacqueline McDade - PA to Medical Director and Associate Medical Director - 01555 8402013